Meme ton nom est Une Poeme dit "Roze Fenozou"

Quant a Moi  Fred Hoekstra, le 2 Avril 2014 Tulear


Even your Name Rose Fenosoa 

sounds like a poem

as it flies from your 2lips

and enbalms into my ears

a whisper on wings, a slip of your tongue

as it scents intense like my garden of Eden,


Rose Rose


tastes to my mouth  as fresh as cocoanutmilk

sipped cool from a straw in the morning dew

Roze Fenozou

while solemnly holding one of your round 


in the palm of my hand

enjoy2enjoy you're a girl I'm a boy


please do understand

Rose Fenosoa

I am just your poet

the poem is you


writing is my second nature

fueled in my veins, sluiced

by my heart to a room for you apart,

channeled through my grey matter brains,

into an artist's touch to the canvass

fingertip free tip of my tongue


just to whisper husky

and write with diligence precize

tongue in cheek

to the ease of your skin

and the salt of the earth

in the person within, flamingly fluorescent

vividly graciously feminine

fine and petite


your name Rose Fenosoa

drawing the letters

to your attention

painting the colourful sound

in reverence sanctified

to the sound benedicted

as refrain to please

your ears with my song

Psalm to your Good Luck Charm

humming to the taste of rum

smiling like my favorite

Music for an Endless While

just writing 

your name to your skin

and the lady's grace here within




Rosa Fenosoa

enjoy2enjoy you're a girl I'm a boy

Long Live the Diff ! Ayo Aye

What more can I say ?



writing your name

tip of my tongue

drawing your letters to your attention

touching your skin tasting the salt

hearing the poem that sprouts from my 2lips


Just your name

is a poem Rose Fenosoa

I am only the poet, the poem is

You. 2 april 2014

Caliente Beach,  Brandend Zand van Tulear Madagaskar